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Killi Reborn [set of 5] Rosewood wall hooks

Killi Reborn [set of 5] Rosewood wall hooks




The Killi wooden clothes hanger is a classically designed solution to remove the markings of a typical hook on clothes. Its smooth rounded edge provides ease of hanging while its colourful pastel face appears decorative if it nothing is hanging!

Lacquered wood Technique
Turned wood ornamented with coloured lacquer. Very little painting on wood is now done, and the lacquer surface obtained by pressing what is virtually a stick of coloured sealing wax on an object revolving in the lathe is a harder and more solid covering than any paint. The heat developed by friction melts the lacquer. Further friction with the dry stem of a palm leaf, held endwise, and a final application of an oiled rag of muslin, polish a coat of colour which resists dust, the great heat of the hot weather, and the dampness of the rains. But there are many refinements in this most simple art.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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